Kubernetes vs Mesos - Which container orchestration tool is better for large-scale applications

November 04, 2021


Container orchestration has become an important aspect of cloud automation, especially for large-scale applications. Kubernetes and Mesos are two popular container orchestration tools that simplify the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. But which one is better for large-scale applications? Let's compare Kubernetes and Mesos to find out.


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that was initially developed by Google. It offers a wide range of features, including auto-scaling, self-healing, service discovery, and load balancing. Kubernetes also provides a declarative configuration approach that enables administrators to define the desired state of the system, and Kubernetes ensures that the system state converges to what is defined.

Kubernetes is well-suited for large-scale applications because it can manage thousands of containers in a single cluster. It supports multiple deployment models, including stateful and stateless applications, and offers excellent network automation capabilities. Kubernetes also has a large active community with many plugins, making it easy to integrate with other systems.


Mesos is another open-source container orchestration platform that was developed by Apache. It offers a flexible architecture, enabling administrators to build custom schedulers to fit their specific use cases. Mesos can run different types of workloads, including containers, virtual machines, and bare metal applications. Mesos also provides fine-grained resource allocation, enabling administrators to allocate resources to specific workloads.

Mesos is well-suited for large-scale applications because it was designed to manage distributed systems. It supports multiple frameworks, including Marathon and Chronos, making it easy to deploy various workloads. Mesos also offers excellent isolation capabilities, ensuring that workloads do not interfere with each other.


Here is a table that compares Kubernetes and Mesos:

Feature Kubernetes Mesos
Architecture Master-Worker Master-Slave
Containerization Docker, rkt Docker, rkt, LXC
Resource Allocation Static, dynamic Fine-grained
Load Balancing Yes Yes
Scaling Yes Yes
Networking Yes Yes
Scheduling Built-in Customizable
High Availability Yes Yes
Community Support Large community with many plugins Active community with plugins
Adoption Widely adopted, utilized by major cloud providers Adopted by some, less known
Learning Curve Steep, requires skill and dedicated time investment Moderate, easily approachable


Both Kubernetes and Mesos are excellent options for large-scale container orchestration, but they differ in architecture, resource allocation, and community support. Kubernetes is an established platform with a large community and many plugins, making it easier to integrate with other systems. Mesos provides a flexible architecture and fine-grained resource allocation, enabling administrators to build custom schedulers that fit their use cases.

Ultimately, the choice between Kubernetes and Mesos comes down to your specific requirements, the learning curve you're willing to undertake, and your familiarity with the technology. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on the context of the specific use case.


  1. Kubernetes
  2. Mesos
  3. Cloud Computing and Containerization with Kubernetes and Mesos (PDF) by Narayana Murthy and Suman Srinivasan.

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